Leah Gilmet
Leah Gilmet is a E-RYT 500 hour Yoga Teacher and has been practicing yoga since 2006. Leah has certifications in Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga Therapy and Aerial Yoga. Leah is the co-founder of Kilea Retreats and travels the world with her partner, Kim Evans-leading retreats and sharing her passion. Leah’s classes promote an invitation to reflect within and observe mindfully in the present moment. The opportunity to build self worth and self love through insight, compassion and mindfulness. Taking the time to reflect inwards and become the watcher of the
breath and body before beginning the physical practice. The opportunity to sweat, laugh, and put everything past or future aside for the time spent. Leah enjoys being creative and fluid, challenging at times while maintaining awareness of safe alignment techniques and continued emphasis of our breath. The ability to discover your own edge in a pose, with the option to either challenge the pose, or rest in that place and let go. With awareness as our greatest teacher, we come together to grow not only in our practice, but off the mat when we ignite connection.
E-RY Training
500 Hours